Dear colleagues,
Anne and I just had a meeting with the local organizers and one of the topics that we discussed were the keynotes. We have two suggestions that we would like to share with you:
Slavoj Žižek (Žižek) and
Sarah Kenderdine (
There are no guarantees that either one of them will be available, but we'd like to give it a try.
Therefore we would like to ask you to:
let us know if you have any problems with our choices by September 5th; and
add additional names for consideration, also by September 5th.
We'll very much appreciate your additional suggestions and your overall help in this process.
All best,
Toma and Anne
Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities
Dear PC members,
you might have heard of a freshly published DHQ paper dealing with the
organization of DH conferences:
It raises a series of issues related to our common endeavor in this
committee, and we would like to know if you would want to discuss any of
them before we publish the Call for Papers at the end of the month.
All best,
Anne and Toma
Anne Baillot
Professeure en Etudes Germaniques
Faculté de Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines
Département d'allemand
Université du Mans
Avenue Olivier Messiaen
F-72085 LE MANS Cedex 9
CV et publications:
Sur twitter: @AnneBaillot
Dear Members of the Programming Committee,
we'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for agreeing to serve on this committee and to welcome you to this email list, which we will use for all communication regarding our work toward DH2023.
We're currently finalizing a draft of the Call for Proposals and we'll be sharing it with you shortly.
As DH2023 PC Chairs, we know that there is a lot of work ahead of us and we very much appreciate your commitment. We're looking forward to working with you and making our first face-to-face conference since the pandemic a success.
Speak soon!
All best,
Anne Baillot and Toma Tasovac
Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities
Test message
by ADHO Infrastructure Committee
27 Jun '22