LT4HALA 2024 (Third Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient LAnguages)

The Third Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient LAnguages (LT4HALA 2024) will be held on May 25th in Torino (Italy), co-located with LREC-COLING 2024. This one-day workshop wants to bring together scholars, who are developing and/or are using Language Technologies (LTs) for historically attested languages, so to foster cross-fertilization between the Computational Linguistics community and the areas in the Humanities dealing with historical linguistic data, e.g. historians, philologists, linguists, archaeologists and literary scholars. Submission deadline: 26 February 2024 LT4HALA 2024 will host: the third edition of EvaLatin, an evaluation campaign entirely devoted to the evaluation of NLP tools for Latin, focusing on dependency parsing and emotion polarity detection; the third edition of EvaHan, the evaluation campaign for the evaluation of NLP tools for Ancient Chinese, focusing on sentence segmentation and punctuation prediction. Website: <> Submission page: <>
participants (1)
Rachele Sprugnoli