The Third Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient LAnguages (LT4HALA 2024) will be held on May 25th in Torino (Italy), co-located with LREC-COLING 2024. This one-day workshop wants to bring together scholars, who are developing and/or are using Language Technologies (LTs) for historically attested languages, so to foster cross-fertilization between the Computational Linguistics community and the areas in the Humanities dealing with historical linguistic data, e.g. historians, philologists, linguists, archaeologists and literary scholars.
LT4HALA 2024 will host:
the third edition of EvaLatin, an evaluation campaign entirely devoted to the evaluation of NLP tools for Latin, focusing on dependency parsing and emotion polarity detection;
the third edition of EvaHan, the evaluation campaign for the evaluation of NLP tools for Ancient Chinese, focusing on sentence segmentation and punctuation prediction.