Good morning, As part of our GRF-funded Research Training Group 'Literature and the Public Sphere' at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, we are inviting applications for 11 doctoral positions, starting 01.10.2025 (application deadline 01.05.2025). Since the call for applications is explicitly aimed at graduates in the field of Digital Humanities, we would like to ask you to share the call for applications via your mailing list. Please find attached the call text in English (as word- and pdf-files). Please contact us if you have any questions or requests for changes. Thank you in advance for your support! With kind regards, Birgit Umbreit -- Ulrike Dencovski und Dr. Birgit Umbreit, Koordination Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg GRK 2806 Literatur und Öffentlichkeit Universitätsstr. 40, 91054 Erlangen [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> https://www.literaturundoeffentlichkeit.phil.fau.de/
participants (1)
GRK2806 Koordination