Hi All, You might have seen my earlier post on the DHSI list—sending to this list, too! Does your institution offer a digital humanities degree program (BA/MA/PhD, etc)? Would you like to put your program literally on the map, that is, the Digital Humanities Course Registry? https://dhcr.clarin-dariah.eu/ If so, you can: 1. Create an account and manage the metadata for your own program here: https://dhcr.clarin-dariah.eu/users/register OR 1. Send me an email ([email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>) and I’ll send you a form to fill out, then I will upload the information on behalf of your program The benefits of the former (making your own account) include being able to update information and the opportunity to enter individual courses in your degree program at a later date, should you be so inclined. If you have a program that you would like listed from beyond Canada, you can find your national moderator here (https://dhcr.clarin-dariah.eu/national-moderators) or be in touch with the DHCR directly: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> Let me know if you have questions! Laura Digital Humanities Course Registry – National Moderator for Canada [Digital Humanities Course Registry (logo)] Dr. Laura Estill Professor of English St. Francis Xavier University Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities