Hi All,
You might have seen my earlier post on the DHSI list—sending to this list, too!
Does your institution offer a digital humanities degree program (BA/MA/PhD, etc)?
Would you like to put your program literally on the map, that is, the Digital Humanities Course Registry? https://dhcr.clarin-dariah.eu/
If so, you can:
The benefits of the former (making your own account) include being able to update information and the opportunity to enter individual courses in your degree program at a
later date, should you be so inclined.
If you have a program that you would like listed from beyond Canada, you can find your national moderator here (https://dhcr.clarin-dariah.eu/national-moderators)
or be in touch with the DHCR directly: [email protected]
Let me know if you have questions!
Digital Humanities Course Registry – National Moderator for Canada
Dr. Laura Estill
Professor of English
St. Francis Xavier University
Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities