Dear PC members,
first, thanks a lot to those of you who already did their reviews!
A few submissions have been withdrawn so that we now are at 765
submissions in total.
During today's meeting, we spotted a few more problematic cases (no
upload, submission in German) and reassigned them to PC members. Also,
due to review rejections, a series of submissions only had 2 or 3
reviewers left assigned. We have reassigned reviewers manually (based on
topic convergence) so that all panels and long papers have at least 4
reviewers and the other types of proposals at least 3.
Due to this reconfiguration, some of you now have a few additional
reviews to tend to (staying within the limit you have indicated).
We plan to send an e-mail to all reviewers on the 28th to remind them to
check if they need to reject reviews (well... and not to forget to
actually do the reviews), and to do a reviewer re-assignment round (if
needed) on the 30th.
All best,
Anne, together with Toma and Walter
Anne Baillot
Professeure en Etudes Germaniques
Faculté de Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines
Département d'allemand
Université du Mans
Avenue Olivier Messiaen
F-72085 LE MANS Cedex 9
CV et publications:
Sur twitter: @AnneBaillot
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