Dear colleagues, many thanks to those of you who have already completed your reviews. Please make sure to check whether new ones were assigned to you last week. We have noticed, however, that we're still missing quite a few reviews from PC members, and in some cases — all of them. We totally understand — and are all struggling a bit to keep up. Still, we have to kindly ask you to make sure you have all your reviews (the original ones and those reassigned last week) completed by Friday noon, CET. It's really important that we have as many of the remaining reviews done before Anne, Walter and I meet on Friday, so that we don't have to reassign too many in the final reviewing sprint between Christmas and the 28th, when we're supposed to release the reviews. Sorry to be pestering you about this, but we're getting a little bit stressed and we do want us all to have nice holidays, without a sense of the impending reviewing doom... :) All best, Toma & Anne -- Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities http://humanistika.org