All the recommendations look amazing. I´d love to have Žižek and Noble, although both have very different "styles"... Hopefully the search for KN goes smooth in the following months. Best, Dra. Miriam Peña Pimentel Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas, UNAM [email protected] [email protected] @MiriamPP ________________________________ De: PC2023 <[email protected]> en nombre de Laura Estill <[email protected]> Enviado: lunes, 29 de agosto de 2022 8:53 Para: Toma Tasovac <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]> Asunto: Re: [Pc2023] keynotes Dear Toma and Anne, Thanks for these recommendations. I think Sarah Kenderdine, especially, is a great choice. Other people I would be interested in hearing from are: * Janelle Riki-Waaka (Digital Equity Coalition Aotearoa) https://www.digitalequity.nz/about-us * Schuyler Esprit (Create Caribbean Research Institute) https://schuyleresprit.com/esprit/ * Safiya Noble (Algorithms of Oppression) https://safiyaunoble.com * Claire Fernandez (European Digital Rights, EDRi) https://edri.org/about-us/our-team/ Thanks, Laura Dr. Laura Estill Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities Associate Professor of English, St. Francis Xavier University Director, StFX Digital Humanities Centre<https://www2.mystfx.ca/digitalhumanities/> From: PC2023 <[email protected]> on behalf of Toma Tasovac <[email protected]> Date: Monday, August 29, 2022 at 7:39 AM To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Subject: [Pc2023] keynotes Dear colleagues, Anne and I just had a meeting with the local organizers and one of the topics that we discussed were the keynotes. We have two suggestions that we would like to share with you: * Slavoj Žižek (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavoj_Žižek) and * Sarah Kenderdine (https://sarahkenderdine.info) There are no guarantees that either one of them will be available, but we'd like to give it a try. Therefore we would like to ask you to: * let us know if you have any problems with our choices by September 5th; and * add additional names for consideration, also by September 5th. We'll very much appreciate your additional suggestions and your overall help in this process. All best, Toma and Anne -- Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities http://humanistika.org