Dear Anne, Toma, and Walter,

Thanks for all the work you’ve done here and continue to undertake.


I have no conflicts with the additional reviews you’ve assigned me and I will dive into those next week.




Dr. Laura Estill

Associate Professor of English

St. Francis Xavier University

Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities




From: PC2023 <[email protected]> on behalf of Anne Baillot <[email protected]>
Date: Friday, December 16, 2022 at 12:25 PM
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Subject: [Pc2023] Reassigning reviews

Dear members of the Program Committee,

we just spent 2,5 hours reassigning missing reviews and only managed to
deal with panels, long papers and short papers. The figures of the
missing reviews were really scary, to be honest. We will reassign what
needs to be reassigned concerning posters and workshops tomorrow morning.

Conftool is still open for review so that you can complete the
additional reviews completely normally (and reviewers that haven't
completed their reviews can still do so).

So many evaluations were missing that we had to assign each of you quite
a bundle of reviews (as well as to a few colleagues who offered to help
and whom we can't thank enough for that service). The period to complete
the additional reviews runs from now to the 23rd at noon CET - be aware
that we might also allot you a few more posters or workshops tomorrow
morning (we will probably go for 2 reviews only for posters though).

Please check for conflicts of interests and/or areas of competence
issues as soon as you can. In case we need to reshuffle, it would be
best if we could do it tomorrow morning as well (we meet at 11:30 A.M. CET).

We thank you very, very much in advance for your precious help in what
is going to be a very full week.

All best,

Anne, Toma & Walter

Anne Baillot
Professeure en Etudes Germaniques
Faculté de Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines
Département d'allemand
Université du Mans
Avenue Olivier Messiaen
F-72085 LE MANS Cedex 9

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