Dear colleagues,

many thanks for your feedback.

I got in touch with Žižek but he said he was "too old and too tired" and was mostly cancelling things these days... :) 

I have consolidated all of your suggestions —  and added one more that came from Anne in one of our conversations:

Felix Reda (formerly Julia Reda)

Felix is an expert on copyright and freedom of communication, and what makes his perspective really interesting is that he was at some point a member of the European Parliament. He could provide an interesting perspective on what it actually takes to make meaningful change and how to match academic fantasies with harsh political realities. 

Unless we hear any opposition from you, we'll go ahead and try to get somebody from our consolidated list next.

All best,

P.S. our consolidated list:

Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities

08.09.2022, в 03:47, Laura Estill <> написал(а):

Adding my enthusiasm!
Dr. Laura Estill 
Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities
Associate Professor of English, St. Francis Xavier University

From: PC2023 <> on behalf of Peña Pimentel Miriam <>
Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 3:16 PM
To: Toma Tasovac <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Pc2023] One keynote secured

Great news!

From: PC2023 <> on behalf of Toma Tasovac <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 3:02:12 AM
To: <>
Subject: [Pc2023] One keynote secured
Dear colleagues,
just a quick note to let you know that Sarah Kenderdine has agreed to be our keynote at DH2023.  Sarah is a great speaker so both Anne and I are very happy about this. One down, one more to go... Anne and I will keep you informed. 
All best,
Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities