Dear Anne, Toma, and PC, I see in the CFP that there is a mention of “citation style”; and I see in the recent reminder email (thank you—and nicely done!) that accepted papers will be submitting “camera-ready” copies, but I can’t seem to find a style guide or stated citation style anywhere. Given that the ADHO journals all use different citation styles (DHQ, DSH, DSCN, etc), and expectations vary by region or (sub)discipline, I didn’t want to make any assumptions. Is there a recommended citation style for the conference? (For DH2020 we cited “A short note on pointless reference formatting<https://utpjournals.press/doi/10.3138/jsp.44.3.006>” for the book of abstracts—but each year gets to choose how they proceed with references.) Thanks again, Anne and Toma, for all of your hard work. Laura Dr. Laura Estill Associate Professor of English St. Francis Xavier University Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities