[CfP] ISWC 2024 First Call for Research, Resources & In-Use Tracks: abstracts due Apr. 10th, 2024

(Tutorial proposals will be accepted in a separate call later in the year.) 23rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2024) Baltimore, Maryland, U.S., November 11-15, 2024 https://iswc2024.semanticweb.org/ Call for Research Track Papers: http://bit.ly/iswc2024Research Call for Resources Track Papers: https://bit.ly/iswc2024Resources Call for In-Use Track Papers: https://bit.ly/iswc2024InUse Abstracts due: April 10th, 2024 Full papers due: April 17th, 2024 Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iswc2024 ISWC is the premier venue for presenting state of the art research and innovative systems related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data, attracting a large number of high quality submissions every year and participants from both academia and industry. ISWC brings together researchers from different areas, such as knowledge representation, artificial intelligence, databases, natural language processing, information systems, human computer interaction, information retrieval, web science, etc., who investigate, develop and use novel methods and technologies for representing, accessing, interpreting, and using information on the Web in a more effective way. ======================================================= == Call for Research Papers == The research track of ISWC 2024 solicits novel and significant research contributions addressing theoretical, analytical and empirical aspects of the Semantic Web. We welcome work describing original and replicable research showing evidence of significant contribution to the Semantic Web. Track Chairs: Gianluca Demartini - University of Queensland, Australia Katja Hose - TU Wien, Austria Contact: [email protected] Details: https://bit.ly/iswc2024Research ======================================================= == Call for Resources Papers == The ISWC 2024 Resources Track welcomes descriptions of resources that leverage knowledge representation based on Semantic Web standards or other graph data models to improve the acquisition, processing, and sharing of data on the web. Resources include, but are not restricted to: datasets, knowledge graphs, ontologies/vocabularies, ontology design patterns, evaluation benchmarks or methods, software tools/services, APIs and software frameworks, workflows, crowdsourcing task designs, protocols, methodologies, and metrics, that have contributed or may contribute to the generation of novel scientific work and applications in the semantic web. Track chairs: Maribel Acosta - Technical University of Munich, Germany Matteo Palmonari - University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy Contact: [email protected] Details: https://bit.ly/iswc2024Resources ======================================================= == Call for In-Use Papers == The In-Use track seeks submissions describing applied research as well as software tools, systems, or architectures that benefit from the use of Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph technologies (including, but not limited to, technologies based on the Semantic Web standards). Importantly, submitted papers should provide convincing evidence of the use of the proposed application or tool by the target user group, preferably outside the group that conducted the development and, more broadly, outside the Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph research communities. Track chairs: Gong Cheng - Nanjing University, China Hala Skaf-Molli - Nantes University, France Contact: [email protected] Details: https://bit.ly/iswc2024InUse ======================================================= Follow us: X (Twitter): @iswc_conf #iswc_conf ( https://twitter.com/iswc_conf ) LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13612370 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ISWConf/ Mastodon Social: https://mastodon.social/@iswc_conf
participants (1)
Sebastián Ferrada