Exploring the materialities of AI: Geographies, infrastructures, numbers

Hi all, We are happy to invite you to a one-day conference in Paris organised by the Center for Internet and Society. The schedule and abstracts are attached as a pdf. [image: JE IA 3101 affiche light.jpg] The consequences of artificial intelligence (AI) on the environment have garnered attention in public discourse after several publications estimating the water consumption, energy usage and resource depletion caused by the training and operating of AI and large language models (LLMs). Quantification plays an important role in making the materiality of AI perceptible but they do not exhaust the representations of AI’s consequences on the planet. In this conference, we explore the materialities of artificial AI from a wider variety of epistemic perspectives that deepen the comprehension of the multiple facets of AI’s material presence in the world and its consequences. When: Friday, January 31, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm *Where:* CNRS, site Pouchet, 59-61 rue Pouchet, 75017 Paris, FRANCE <https://maps.app.goo.gl/QC6PN5YN25seF6FYA> *Organisation team:* Loup Cellard (Datactivist, médialab Sciences-Po, ADM+S Centre), Valentin Goujon (médialab, Sciences Po), Hugo Estecahandy (IFG Lab, université Paris 8), Théophile Lenoir (University of Milan, médialab, Sciences Po), Adrien Tournier (HT2S, Cnam). A conference organised by the GDR 2091 Internet IA and Society (CNRS, Paris, FR). -- *Loup Cellard* <http://www.loupcellard.com>Researcher — Datactivist <https://datactivist.coop/en/> (Paris/Marseille) Affiliate at Sciences-Po Médialab <https://medialab.sciencespo.fr/> (Paris) + ADM+S Centre <https://www.admscentre.org.au/> (Melbourne) Editor at Tèque <https://revue-teque.fr/>, a tech criticism journal by Audimat Editions <https://audimat-editions.fr/> (Paris) Email : [email protected] Mobile FR : +33 7 87 00 84 22 Website : loupcellard.com <http://www.loupcellard.com/> Twitter : @CellardLoup <https://twitter.com/CellardLoup>Newsletter : Data Dandysme <https://tinyletter.com/loupcellard>
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Loup Cellard