Reminder: CFP Research Creation, Community Engagement, and Open Social Scholarship proposals due January 24

Sorry for cross-posting. -------------------- Conference Call for Papers *Research Creation, Community Engagement, and Open Social Scholarship* May 1-3, 2025 Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia Deadline for submissions: January 24 2025 This conference will bring together key practitioners in research creation, open social scholarship, and community engagement to encourage broad and inclusive conversations about centring, empowering, and serving communities through humanities research that focuses on inclusive, generous processes. It will also play host to the 12th Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership annual gathering. Humanities scholarship is traditionally and problematically disconnected from selfless commitments to creativity and community. However, a number of innovative research approaches work against such conventionally exclusive perceptions and practices. For example, research creation involves the use of artistic practices to ask questions and explore possibilities, to reflect and reveal our world back to ourselves, and to help us imagine ourselves otherwise. Additionally, radical community engagement practices feature researchers who generously, humbly, and respectfully work with and within community-led initiatives instead of leading, guiding, or exclusively determining such projects. Both of these approaches foreground and expand upon open social scholarship practices, which are motivated by a desire to shift our scholarly habits away from insularity, exclusivity, and self-referentiality toward inclusive accessibility. This conference is a bold attempt to imagine a larger framework and community of open researchers, and to productively encourage diverse and innovative communities to engage their collaborative potential toward answering the following questions: ● How do we include and engage more people in creative humanities scholarship that serves their needs and the needs of others? ● In what ways can we offer our critical skills and strengths as academics to community-led initiatives? ● How can different kinds of creative research practices promote collaborative and inclusive ways of understanding each other? Featuring plenary panels focused on research creation and community engagement, paper presentations, research lightning talks, and a showcase of Open Scholarship Award winners, this conference will connect researchers, community members, creative practitioners, teachers, innovators, and unconventional scholars to explore the above questions and more. We invite proposals that address these and other issues pertinent to research in the area, and are open to considering proposals for other types of presentations as well. Proposals should specify whether you are planning for a 20-minute presentation or 5-minute lightning talk, and must contain a title, an abstract (of approximately 250 words, plus list of works cited), and the names, affiliations, and website URLs of presenters. Please send proposals on or before 24 January 2025 using this form: *Research Creation, Community Engagement and Open Social Scholarship* is aligned with the Community Cluster of the INKE Partnership (including its support by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council; ) and generously supported by Acadia University. This event is organized by Jon Saklofske (Acadia) and Jon Bath (U Saskatchewan), co-leads of the INKE Community Cluster ( Please reach out to them with any questions at [email protected]
participants (1)
Jon Bath