[online event] Open to all: Open Space Day "From Uncertainty to Action: Advancing Research with Digital Data", 28 Sept., 2023

Join us on Zoom! Our Open Space Day as part of the Digital Academy 2023: “From Uncertainty to Action: Advancing Research with Digital Data” - 28 September, 2023. The Digital Academy once again invites you to a vital exchange on data-based research and digital methods. This year, we will focus on an issue that affects the Digital Humanities on all levels: uncertainty. In this context, uncertainty is not understood as something deficient that inevitably makes data-based research within the digital humanities blurry. Instead, uncertainty underscores contingent opportunities to productively explore and develop strategies of dealing with digital research data. Three experts will report on their research projects and share their views on the topic of uncertainty in data-driven research. In an interview format, they will elaborate on topics spanning from modeling digital corpora and scholarly/scientific concepts, questions of accessing digital data in born-digital archives, to strategies of capturing uncertainty in scholarly editions. After each interview, there will be an open discussion with the Zoom audience. Program of the Open Space Day: 28 September, 2023; all times in CEST 10.00 -10.15 am: Welcome 10.15 -11.45 am: Talking to an expert & discussion I: Michael Piotrowski (Department of Language and Information Sciences, Université de Lausanne) 11.45 am - 12.45 pm: Lunch break 12.45-2.15 pm: Talking to an expert & discussion II: Jane Winters (School of Advanced Study, University of London) 2.15-2:30 pm: Coffee break 2.30-4.00 pm: Talking to an expert & discussion III: Susan Schreibman (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University) The Zoom link is available on our website: <https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/fakultaeten/geschichtswissenschaft/abteilung/arbeitsbereiche/digital-history/digital-academy/index.xml> https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/fakultaeten/geschichtswissenschaft/abteilung/ar... We look forward to the exchange! Best regards from the organizing committee, Silke Schwandt, Christopher Kuhlmann, Anna Maria Neubert, Sophie Spliethoff, Christian Wachter (all Bielefeld University) _______________________________ Dr. Christian Wachter Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Digital History Universität Bielefeld Universitätsstraße 25 33615 Bielefeld Büro: X A3-252 E-Mail: <mailto:christian.wachter@uni‐bielefeld.de> christian.wachter@uni‐bielefeld.de Telefon: <https://ekvv.uni-bielefeld.de/pers_publ/publ/Dialer_auswahl.jsp?phone=%2b4952110612953> +49 521 106-12953 Twitter: <https://twitter.com/ChrWachter> @ChrWachter ORCID: <https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2937-0868> 0000-0003-2937-0868 Mastodon: <https://fedihum.org/@ChristianWachter> @[email protected] <http://digital-history.uni-bielefeld.de/> digital-history.uni-bielefeld.de
participants (1)