Link available to CLS INFRA Newsletter (May 2023)

Apologies for cross posting. The CLS INFRA Newsletter May 2023 edition is available! For those interested in resources for computational literary studies and digital humanities infrastructure, take a look at this issue: This newsletter includes: * Changes to the CLS INFRA team * Recent Deliverables including: * D8.1: Report on Tools for Basic NLP tasks * D3.2: Survey of Methods and interactive Survey Grid * D7.1: On Programmable Corpora and DraCor * Recent and Upcoming Events * “Digging for Gold”: Training School Madrid, 9-11 May 2023 * DH2023 in Graz * CLS INFRA TNA Fellowships and * New! TNA Fellowship archive including reports, interviews, and more All the best, Dr Sarah Hoover Taighdeoir Iardhochtúireachta | Postdoctoral Researcher Institúid de Móra do Thaighde sna Daonnachtaí agus sa Léann Sóisialta Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social Studies M: +32 483 90 04 88<tel:+32%20483%2090%2004%2088> Twitter: @CLSinfra<> Mastodon:: @[email protected]<> Website:<> [University of Galway]<> []<> University of Galway is a registered charity RCN 20002107 [EU Flag] CLS INFRA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS: Forthcoming: Monograph, Reflective affective dramaturgies of participatory theatre: larping audiences into performance. Palgrave MacMillan, Dec 2023. Chapter editor and contributor: ‘Performance Studies and Role-Playing Games’. Role-Playing Game Studies: Transmedia Foundations, edited by José Pablo Zagal and Sebastian Deterding, Routledge, 2018, pp. 213–26. In process of revision and republication 2023. ‘Think Outside my Box: Imagery and Narratives of Women’s Bodies in Repeal the 8th Campaigns’, co-authorship with Miriam Haughton and Ciara L. Murphy. Feminist Encounters. March 2022.
participants (1)
Hoover, Sarah