Workshop for PhD students 14 & 15 November Trier University

Dear colleagues, below some information on a workshop for PhD candidates held in Trier on 14 & 15 November. Please do not hesitate to forward it to potential interested people. Best wishes Joëlle Weis --------------- Are you a PhD student eager to explore digital humanities tools and methods? The DARIAH-EU Working Group on Community Engagement invites you to an in-person workshop designed specifically for PhD students who are new to digital humanities. When: 14 & 15 November Where: Trier University If you are interested in taking part in the workshop, please fill out this form: We will get back to you in the next few days with an acceptance or rejection and all further details. ---------- This interactive, hands-on workshop will focus on evaluating existing training materials and tools, with a particular emphasis on DARIAH's TextGrid and Topic Explorer: * TextGrid: A powerful virtual research environment optimized for working with TEI-coded resources. You'll learn how TextGrid can support the entire research process, from data management to publication, through the TextGrid Lab and TextGrid Repository. * Topic Explorer: A beginner-friendly tool for topic modeling that allows you to experiment with your own text corpora, without the need for programming skills. You'll gain experience using a graphical user interface (GUI) to transform plain text or XML files into visualized results, including interactive graphs. This workshop is tailored for PhD students at the early stages of their academic careers and offers a unique opportunity to develop hands-on skills while expressing your individual training needs in digital humanities. Don't miss this chance to deepen your understanding of these powerful tools and connect with fellow researchers! Location: Trier University, Germany Travelling to Trier: Program: Thursday 14 November 13:00: Welcome and aims of the workshop 13:30: Group Work: Textgrid 15:30: Break 16:00: Evaluation of training material for Textgrid 18:00: End of workshop day 1, Dinner at the city centre Friday 15 November 09:00: Group Work: Topic Explorer 10:30: Break 11:00: Evaluation of training material for Topic Explorer 12:00: General discussion 13:00: End of workshop Dr. Joëlle Weis Kompetenzzentrum - Trier Center for Digital Humanities Forschungsbereichsleitung "Digitale Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften" Tel.: +49 651 201-3017 E-Mail [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> Persönlicher Meetingraum Zoom [cid:[email protected]] Universität Trier | Universitätsring 15 | 54296 Trier | Germany<>
participants (1)
Weis, Joelle, Dr.