Call for particiapation to HHAI2022

Call for participation at HHAI2022 Workshops 13-14. June 2022 Main Conference 14.-17. June 2022 Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence (HHAI) is the first international conference focusing on the study of Artificial Intelligent systems that cooperate synergistically, proactively and purposefully with humans, amplifying instead of replacing human intelligence. HHAI aims for AI systems that assist humans and vice versa, emphasizing the need for adaptive, collaborative, responsible, interactive and human-centered intelligent systems that leverage human strengths and compensate for human weaknesses, while taking into account social, ethical and legal considerations. This field of study is driven by current developments in AI, but also requires fundamentally new approaches and solutions. In addition, we need collaboration with areas such as HCI, cognitive and social sciences, philosophy & ethics, complex systems, and others. In this first international conference, we invite scholars from these fields to participate at HHAI2022. We want to offer the opportunity to build a culture together and embrace diversity and inclusion as central principles. Therefore, we provide 2 scholarships (1x 1300 EUR and 1x 700 EUR) to support the attendance at HHAI to authors, which are PhD students. To apply for these scholarships, please send us an application which includes your CV and a statement to [email protected] as soon as possible. Keynotes: - Paul Lukowicz: The HumanE AI Net vision of Human Centric AI - Joanna Bryson: With whom do we hybidise? Principle Agents of AI - Wendy Mackay: Creating Human-Computer Partnerships - Fernanda Viegas: Designing AI szstems with a variety of users in mind Keynote abstracts can be found on our website: We have accepted a variaty of papers for long and short presentations. These papers include previously published work, work in progress and full research papers. Accepted papers are listed here: An overview of the program: Monday 13. June: - Workshop on representation, sharing and evaluation of multipmodal agent interaction - Heterdox Methods for Interpretable and Efficient Artificial Intelligence - Imagining the AI Landscape after the AI Act - Common Ground Theory and Method Development workshop - Hackathon Tuesday 14. June: - Knowledge Representation for Hybrid-Intelligence - HI ESDiT Collaboration an AI, Human Values and the Law - Human-Centered Design of Symbiotic Hybrid Intelligence - (Eco)systemic challenges in AI - Rethinking Values Conflicts in Smart Systems - Hackathon - Conference Opening Ceremony - Keynote by Paul Lukowicz Wednesday 15. June: - Minute Madness - Sessions #1-#3 - Keynote by Joanna Bryson - Poster & Demo Session Thursday 16. June: - Session #4-#7 - Keynote by Wendy Mackay - Conference Dinner Friday 17. June: - Keynote by Fernanda Viegas - Sessions #8 & #9 - Community Meeting - Conference Closing Ceremony & Awards Information on registration and prices can be found here: Location: This will be an in-person, single-track conference, held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Pending local and global Covid measures at the time of the conference, we will provide options to attend virtually. The conference will be hosted at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. General chair: Stefan Schlobach (VU) Program chairs: Myrthe Tielman (TUDelft) & Maria Perez-Ortiz (UCL) For questions, you can reach us at: [email protected] -- Romana Pernisch Postdoctoral Researcher KRR & Discovery Lab Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
participants (1)
Pernisch, R. (Romana)