Dear Colleagues, We are delighted to invite you to the LITERATURE & COMPUTATION WEEK, held at UCLouvain from May 2 to 6. From Monday to Friday, we will host afternoon seminars, on campus and on Teams, on the following topics: * Computational Literary Studies * Digital Literature * NLP and Machine Learning for Literature * Poetry and Artificial Intelligence * Digital Humanities and Literature * Computational/Intermedia Literary Performance You will find a summary of the programme below and the full programme here<>. Registration is free but mandatory for all interventions. To register, please fill out this form<>. Team links will be circulated to registered attendees on the day. This event is a collaboration between the Altissia Chair in Digital Cultures and Ethics<> (UCLouvain) and the LabEL<> project (KBR). We look forward to meeting you there, Chris Tanasescu & Isabelle Gribomont PROGRAMME SUMMARY MONDAY 2/05 - MORE 56 (GPLO-DROIT) (Place Montesquieu, 2) & Teams * 14h00 - 14h50: Keynote lecture * Code, Poetry and Traditions of Text: Editing in Open, Broad Context (Ray Siemens, University of Victoria) * 15h00 - 15h50: Panel “Digital Heritage Research at KBR (Royal Library of Belgium)” * Computational Document Recognition in the KBR Data Science Lab (Tan Lu, VUB – KBR) * KBR's Digital Research Lab & Computational Literary Studies (Julie Birkholz, UGent – KBR) * Introducing LabEL, a Laboratory for Electronic Literature at KBR (Isabelle Gribomont, UCLouvain – KBR) TUESDAY 3/05 - LECL 82 (Place Montesquieu 1) & Teams * 14h00 - 14h50: Reflective Modelling with Visual Representations: What the digital humanities can learn from modelling in design practice (Jan-Erik Stange, Freie Universität Berlin) * 15h00 - 15h50: De l’enquête exploratoire à l’exposition en ligne : Bureaux-écrans d’écrivain·e·s. Coulisses numériques de la création (2021-2022) (Corentin Lahouste et Anne Reverseau, UCLouvain) * 16h00 - 16h30: Compute INCAL. Networked Communities and Cross-disciplinary Trans-centric Research Predictions for the Institute for the Study of Cultures, Arts, and Letters at UCLouvain (Derek Siemens, University of Victoria, and Chris Tanasescu, UCLouvain) WEDNESDAY 4/05 - SOCR 20 (Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10-12) & Teams * 14h00 - 14h50: What might a Canadian bilingual DH center look like? The Case of the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques (bilingual French & English talk) (Michael Sinatra, Université de Montréal) * 15h00 - 15h50: Saisir la littérature en contexte numérique : du projet Littérature québécoise mobile à la matérialité des œuvres numériques (René Audet, Université Laval) - en distanciel/remote THURSDAY 5/05 - MERC 01 (Rue du Compas, 1) & Teams * 14h30 - 15h50: Panel “EMBEDDIA Project (Cross-Lingual Embeddings for Less-Represented Languages in European News Media)” * Text Analysis Using Cross-lingual Embeddings: Results from the EMBEDDIA project (Senja Pollak, Jozef Stefan Institute) * Natural Language Processing Online with ClowdFlows (Martin Žnidaršič, Jozef Stefan Institute) * 16h00 - 16h50: Towards a Collection of Works of Digital Literature from Flanders and the Netherlands (1971–2022) (Siebe Bluijs and Lois Burke, Tilburg University). FRIDAY 6/05 – Online only * 14h00 - 15h00: Automatic Genre Attribution for Classic Latin Text Corpora (exact title TBA) (Margherita Fantoli, KU Leuven) FRIDAY 6/05 – Facebook livestream (@Margento.Official<mailto:@Margento.Official>) * 22h00 - 23h30: Code Is Poetry. Intermedia Computational Performance (Margento & Friends)
participants (1)
Isabelle Gribomont