HHAI2022: Call for Contributions to Workshops

Dear friends and colleagues, HHAI-2022 (https://www.hhai-conference.org) workshops provide a platform for discussing Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence in more informal settings and for a broad audience. We accepted eight workshops to be part of HHAI 2022 before the main conference. More details about the individual workshops can be found on the conference website (https://www.hhai-conference.org/workshops/) as well as on their own websites. We welcome contributions to our workshops that are detailed below: Monday 13th June: - Workshop on the representation, sharing and evaluation of multimodal agent interaction (https://cltl.github.io/mmai2022/) - Heterodox Methods for Interpretable and Efficient Artificial Intelligence (https://hmieai2022.cs.umu.se/) - Imagining the AI Landscape after the AI Act (http://iail2022.isti.cnr.it/) - Common Ground Theory and Method Development Workshop: Exploring, Understanding, and Enhancing Human-Centricity in Hybrid Work Settings (https://www.iaw.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/hhai-workshop-submission/) Tuesday 14th June: - Knowledge Representation for Hybrid-Intelligence (https://sites.google.com/view/kr4hi/home) - HI ESDiT Collaboration on AI, Human Values and the Law - Rethinking values Conflicts in Smart Systems (https://value-conflict.notion.site/value-conflict/Rethinking-value-conflicts...) - Human-Centered Design of Symbiotic Hybrid Intelligence (https://ii.tudelft.nl/humancenteredsymbioticHI/) Join us in the HHAI community and send your contribution to one of these workshops – see further guidelines, timeline and information via <ADD LINK TO WORKSHOP WEBSITE>. We also appreciate if you forward this call to colleagues you deem interested to contribute to this program. Thanks and let us know if you have any questions.
participants (1)
Pernisch, R.