Job alert - PhD and Postdoc position in AI & Culture
Dear all, At the University of Amsterdam we currently have a PhD and Postdoc opening in the area of AI & Culture: - PhD (4 years fulltime, Amsterdam) in Culturally and Socially Responsible AI: - Postdoc (1 year fulltime, Amsterdam and Naples) in a HTR/crowdsourcing project to unlock information from handwritten archival sources: Deadline *Friday 29 January 2021* For further information, do not hesitate to contact me at Best wishes, --- Prof.dr. Julia Noordegraaf University of Amsterdam Department of Media Studies Building BG1, room 3.12 Turfdraagsterpad 9 1012 XT Amsterdam T 020 525 72 79 M 06 172 50 595 W Personal Profile W CREATE research program W Time Machine project
participants (1)
Julia Noordegraaf