CfP for DHd 2022 (Potsdam, Germany)

### Apologies for Cross posting ### Dear all, We would like to inform you that submissions are welcome for *DHd 2022*, 7.- 11.03.2022, at *Potsdam*, Germany. DHd 2022 "Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses" is the annual conference of the Verband Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, an associative member of the European Association of Digital Humanities (EADH). Check out the website ( for the Call for Papers (in German) and details about the submission procedure. Please notice that the deadline is 15.07.2021. You can also follow us on Twitter @dhd2022! Looking forward to welcome you at Potsdam, Ulrike Wuttke on behalf of the Local Organisers of DHd 2022 Dr Ulrike Wuttke Vertretungsprofessorin für Bibliotheks- und Informationstechnologien und Digitale Services | Interim professor for Library and Information Technologies and Digital Services & Internationalisierungsbeauftragte des FB5 *Aktuell ausschließlich über E-Mail erreichbar | Currently only available via e-mail.* E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 331 580-4533 Twitter: UWuttke | Skype: ulrike.wuttke ORCiD: FH Potsdam | University of Applied Sciences Potsdam Fachbereich Informationswissenschaft | Department of Information Science Kiepenheuerallee 5 | 14469 Potsdam Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
participants (1)
Francesca Giovannetti