STAGE Seminar - Derek Miller’s Presentation (18/11/24) - A Bird's-Eye View of US Theater Around 1900

Dear colleagues, Next Monday (18/11/24), the third session of the STAGE seminar will take place, featuring a presentation by Derek Miller, Professor of English at Harvard University: A Bird's-Eye View of US Theater Around 1900 Like so much cultural history, theater history tends to focus on outstanding performers, writers, or productions. But most theatrical practice is normal: there are typical ways to write, stage, produce, and attend a play. Quantitative methods of historical analysis make it easier to understand the norms of theatrical practice. In this presentation, I explore data from a set of guides to the late-nineteenth-century theater in the United States. I offer model analyses of (a) the number of theaters in the US from after the Civil War to WWI, as well as their seating capacities; (b) the geographic distribution and operation of the Theatrical Syndicate; and (c) theater electrification. Along with these examples, I will explain my procedures for working with this data. I consider both what these methods can teach us about these topics, and what issues come to light, but perhaps cannot be answered, through quantitative archives and analysis. Derek Miller is Professor of English at Harvard University, where he has taught theater history and dramatic literature since 2013. He has published extensively on the theater industries in the US and UK since the nineteenth century, primarily on law and performance, particularly copyright. Recent work includes an essay on digital methods in theater studies, a chapter about legal texts as performance texts, and an elegy for theater tickets. More information: --- Upcoming Sessions (through December 2024): 18/11: Derek Miller, Harvard University: A Bird's-Eye View of US Theater Around 1900 02/12: Aurélie Lemaître, INRIA: Combinaison d'intelligences artificielles pour la reconnaissance d'images de documents 09/12: Thierry Coduys, Le Hub, IanniX The full program is available here: --- About the Seminar: The STAGE seminar (From Stage to Data, the Digital Turn of Contemporary Performing Arts Historiography) is led by Clarisse Bardiot as part of a European research project. It offers an in-depth introduction to the challenges, concepts, methods, and tools for the digital study of texts, images, and cultural data. The seminar explores the challenges and opportunities of using digital data in artistic studies, particularly in the fields of performing arts, digital art history and culture analytics, and demonstrates how digital humanities open new research perspectives in the humanities and social sciences. Sessions are held in English or French. --- Participation Details: - Time: Mondays from 4 PM to 6 PM Paris Time - Location: - In person: Villejean campus, Rennes 2 University, Building B, research area - Online: Via Zoom (registration required through this form: ) If you have already registered, there is no need to fill out the form again. The sessions will be recorded and made available on the From Stage to Data website and YouTube channel: <> Best regards, Clarisse Bardiot ///// Clarisse Bardiot Professeur des universités en études théâtrales Département des Arts du spectacle Université Rennes 2 Site web <> Projet ERC From Stage to Data : Dernier livre : Arts de la scène et humanités numériques. Des traces aux données <> / Performing Arts and Digital Humanities. From Traces to Data. <> 2021. Wiley / Iste.
participants (1)
clarisse bardiot