CFP extended DH Doctoral Symposium Unige-Unito

Carissim*, Extended the Call for Papers for the Doctoral Symposium Subjects of Research. Critical Perspectives and Intersections in the Digital Humanities organized by the doctoral students in Digital Humanities of the UniGe-UniTo Consortium, to be held at the University of Genoa on May 20-21. The deadline for submissions is now April 14, 2024. Below all the information for those who still intend to submit a proposal: Interested scholars may submit anonymized, original abstracts of up to 500 words (excluding bibliography) in pdf format for review via the easychair platform Applicants are asked to provide a title of the contribution, a maximum of 5 keywords and a brief biobibliography. Contributions in English, French or Italian are allowed. The maximum length for each talk will be 15 minutes. Participation in the conference is free of charge. Accepted contributions will be collected and published after the conference in a volume published by Genova University Press. ———————— Keynote speakers: Chris Biemann (Hamburg University) Paola Ciandrini (Chiesi. R&D Project Management - Archives Management & Systems) Fabio Ciotti (Università di Roma Tor Vergata) Matteo Di Cristofaro (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia) Laura Moretti (University of St. Andrews) Nuria Rodriguez Ortega (UMA, Universidad de Malaga) Francesca Tomasi (Università degli Studi di Bologna) Selenia Anastasi PhD student in Digital Humanities, University of Genoa (UNIGE) Piazza Santa Sabina 2 16124 Genoa (Italy)
participants (1)
Selenia Anastasi