ESWC is a key academic conference for research results and new developments in the area of the Semantic Web and Knowledge Graphs. ESWC2023 marks the 20th edition, which will take place from May 28 to June 1 2023, in Heraklion, Greece. ESWC2023 features three main tracks and additional pre-conference events: - Research Track for novel research contributions ( https://2023.eswc-conferences.org/call-for-papers-research-track/) - In-use Track for contributions that reuse and apply state-of-the art semantic technology in practical settings ( https://2023.eswc-conferences.org/call-for-papers-in-use-track/) - Resources Track for data and software supporting the community ( https://2023.eswc-conferences.org/call-for-papers-resources-track/) - Workshops (https://2023.eswc-conferences.org/call-for-workshops/) - Tutorials (https://2023.eswc-conferences.org/call-for-tutorials/) And lastly, at a later point also calls for paper to the doctoral consortium as well as posters and demos will be announces. *Important dates*: - Workshop proposal due: 24-11-2022 - Workshop/tutorial notification: 08-12-2022 - Abstract submission (research, resource, in-use): 08-12-2022 - Workshop/tutorial website due: 15-12-2022 - *Full paper submission (research, resource, in-use): 15-12-2022* - Rebuttal period: 30-01-2023 until 06-02-2023 - *Full paper notifications: 23-02-2023* - Workshop papers deadline: 09-03-2023 - Full paper camera-ready: 23-03-2023 - Tutorial materials due: 11-04-2023 - Workshop papers notifications: 13-04-2023 - Workshop papers camera-ready: 20-04-2023 - *Workshop/tutorial days: 28/29-05-2023* - *Main conference days: 30-05-2023 until 01-06-2023* All deadlines are 23:59 anywhere on earth (UTC-12). *Submission guidelines for Research, In-use and Resources Tracks:* - ESWC welcomes *original research and application submissions* dealing with all aspects of representing and using Semantic Web technologies and Knowledge Graphs. We encourage theoretical, methodological, empirical, and applications papers. Submitted papers should describe original work, present significant results, and provide rigorous, principled, and repeatable evaluation. - Abstract submissions are required. - Change of authors after acceptance is not allowed. - We strongly encourage and appreciate *links to datasets and other materials* used for evaluation as well as to demos and software source code. - ESWC will *not accept work that is under review or has already been published* in or accepted for publication in a journal, another conference, or another ESWC track. - The *proceedings* of this conference will be published in Springer’s *Lecture Notes in Computer Science* series. The preprints of the accepted papers will be available openly. - *Abstracts* need to be pre-submitted followed by a timely submission of the full work. - Papers must not exceed *15 pages* (with unlimited references) and in English. - Submissions must be either in PDF or in HTML, formatted in the style of the Springer Publications format for *Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)*. For details on the LNCS style, see Springer’s Author Instructions. - The Research track follows a *double blind* reviewing process. - The Resource and In-Use Track follow a *single blind *reviewing process. - Authors will have the opportunity to submit a *rebuttal* to the reviews to clarify explicit questions posed by program committee members. - At least *one author per contribution must register* for the conference for presentation. - Submission is done through *EasyChair* (upcoming). When logging in select the appropriate track. *General Chair: Catia Pesquita* See the full Organizing committee here: https://2023.eswc-conferences.org/organising-committee/ -- Kind regards, Eleni and Romana Web and Publicity team of ESWC 2023 https://2023.eswc-conferences.org