Dear Simon and all,


Thanks for that information!
We have in the meantime added the option to complete and return a PDF form to us for colleagues who do not have access to Google Forms.

You can find the form and details at


Kind regards,



Walter Scholger

Institutsmanager | Department Manager

Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung | Centre for Information Modeling

Universität Graz | University of Graz


Von: Eadh-topics <[email protected]> Im Auftrag von simon mahony
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Oktober 2022 13:09
An: Anne Baillot <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: [Eadh-topics] Invitation to review for the ADHO Digital Humanities 2023 Conference


Dear All,

thank you for the invitation to review for DH2003.

I note that to self-nominate one needs to complete a Google form. 

Using a Google form excludes anyone in China (where Google is blocked) that doesn't have access to a working VPN. Even with a VPN, as this is the start of the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party they are very likely to be closed down by the government. They have been unreliable for the last week or so and are at risk of being shut down completely at this weekend.

In the interests of diversity and inclusion, you may wish to consider an alternative.

Best wishes



-----Original mail-----
From: "Anne Baillot" <[email protected]>
Send Time: 2022-10-14 16:04:55 (Friday)
Recipient : [email protected]
Topic: [Eadh-topics] Invitation to review for the ADHO Digital Humanities 2023 Conference

Dear colleagues,

The annual ADHO Digital Humanities Conference is the central and largest event of the international DH community and unites scholars from across the globe, presenting them with a unique opportunity for the exchange of their work and ideas and the fostering of future collaborations.

To ensure the continuation of the high quality standards exhibited at previous conferences, we are inviting you to join us as a reviewer for the DH2023 conference, hosted in July 2023 at the University of Graz, Austria.

If you are willing to serve as a reviewer, please nominate yourself by completing the Google Form: .

We ask you to also forward this invitation to your colleagues and encourage them to nominate themselves to join our DH reviewers’ community by filling out this form. Nominations will be possible until October 28, 2022.

The form will collect the following information:

·        full name

·        professional affiliation

·        email address

·        a statement of which reviewer criteria (see below) you meet, and

·        the ADHO language(s) in which you are professionally proficient.

Reviewers must meet two or more of the following criteria:

·        Be professionally associated (or recently associated) with an institutional DH program, project, or initiative;

·        Hold at least a Master’s degree or equivalent in a DH-related discipline (including, but not limited to, the Humanities, Social or Natural Sciences, Library and/or Information Sciences, Fine Arts, etc.);

·        Have presented at an ADHO-, CO/AO-, or SIG-organized conference, symposium, colloquium, or equivalent academic event;

·        Have published a DH-specific article or essay in a scholarly journal or volume (either print or electronic).

Reviewing is a much appreciated service, but also a responsibility and requires a commitment to review a minimum of four reviews in any of the formats available for the conference. In agreeing to review, candidates should be aware of this responsibility and should conduct themselves by the Conference Code of Conduct: . 

DH2023 will use the open peer review process. Authors and reviewers will know each other’s identity. The review process will include an opportunity for authors to respond to the reviews. You can find guidelines and recommendations for reviewing for DH2023 here: .

We would be grateful and delighted if you would consider participating in the DH2023 preparation by serving as a reviewer!

Anne Baillot and Toma Tasovac, Chairs of the DH 2023 Program Committee


Professor Simon Mahony
Executive Director 
Research Centre for Digital Publishing and Digital Humanities
Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai
519087 China