Dear Christian-Emil,

a book of abstracts will be made available on the website. We are also planning a collection of articles based on the presentations. 

All the best,


Am 04.11.2024 um 18:56 schrieb Christian-Emil Smith Ore <>:

Do you plan to publish abstracts and or presentations?

From: Öyvind Eide <>
Sent: 04 November 2024 03:12
Subject: [Eadh-topics] First Digital Humanites conference in Mongolia
Dear Colleagues,

the final programme for the first Digital Humanities conference in
Mongolia, which will take place in Ulaanbaatar on Thursday this week, is now online

The conference is organised by The National University of Mongolia in
cooperation with The Mongolian University of Science & Technology, The
University of the Humanities, The Mongolian National University of Arts and
Culture, Otgontenger University, and the rest of the Artest Project network: it is supported by the Artest Project (Erasmus+ Capacity Building in
Higher Education Call EAC/A02/2019, project 618802-code EPP-1-2020-1-DE-
EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) and the International Institute for Digital Humanities in Tokyo.

The conference will be streamed online. The link will be available at the webpage of the conference. 

All the best,

Otgontsetseg Sukhbaatar and Øyvind Eide

Prof. Dr. Øyvind Eide
Institut für Digital Humanities — Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Informationsverarbeitung
Universität zu Köln
D-50931 Köln

Büro: Universitätsstraße 22, Raum 1.02 (1 OG)
fon: +49.221.470.1752 (Vorzimmer .4430)
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