Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with a strong international standing. Our mission is to pursue top-quality research and education and to interact constructively with society. Our most important assets are all the individuals whose curiosity and dedication make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting workplaces. Uppsala University has 46.000 students, 7.300 employees and a turnover of SEK 7.3 billion. In case of different interpretations of the English and Swedish versions of this announcement, the Swedish version takes precedence. The Department of ALM (Archival, Library & Information and Museum & Cultural Heritage Studies) offers the Master’s Programme in Archives, Library and Museum Studies (archival studies, library & information studies, and museum & cultural heritage studies) and the Master’s Programme in Digital Humanities (DH). Doctoral studies in information studies are also offered. The department currently has around 20 teachers and researchers and six doctoral students. The Faculty of Arts has appointed the Department of ALM to host the development of the digital humanities as a new field for interfaculty and interdisciplinary collaboration within research, education and infrastructure at Uppsala University. This initiative is currently in an expansive phase that includes a planned centre of expertise and research for research collaboration and infrastructure support within DH. The senior lectureship is linked to this initiative. Duties: The position includes research, teaching and examination primarily within the Master’s Programme in DH, but there will also be teaching and examination in the Master’s Programme in ALM. The teaching in the position entails a capability to elaborate on broad and inclusive perspectives on digital humanities in a manner that is theoretically profound and practice-oriented. Moreover, a capability to provide an in-depth understanding for and knowledge of how digital methods, digital source materials and digital research infrastructures impact knowledge production in the humanities, the operations of different cultural heritage institutions, and the applicability of humanities competences in working life. Duties include planning and implementing an integration of mutually relevant courses and course modules between the ALM and Digital Humanities master’s programmes. Teaching duties includes leading, planning, course responsibility, course administration and supervision. Supervision of doctoral students in information studies may also be included. Management duties may also be included. The duties in the position also include following developments in research within digital humanities, archival studies, library & information studies and museum & cultural heritage studies and society in general that have importance for work at the University and conducting both campus-based teaching and distance teaching online. Duties include collaboration with researchers specialised in the digital humanities both at Uppsala University and at other higher education institutions. Teaching is primarily in English but teaching in Swedish may occur. Applicants who do not speak Swedish are expected to learn Swedish as a work and teaching language within two years. Eligibility requirements: To be eligible for employment as a senior lecturer, applicants must have a doctoral degree in a social science or humanities discipline with direct relevance to the duties of the position, demonstrate educational expertise and have the personal characteristics required to perform the duties of the position well. Eligible applicants to a senior lectureship are to have relevant teaching experience from higher education. The applicant’s educational expertise, the scholarly expertise and the professional expertise must be relevant for the position’s subject content and duties. For educational expertise to be considered adequate, the applicant is to have had at least 10 weeks of training in teaching in higher education that is relevant for the field, or equivalent knowledge. In case of special circumstances, the training in teaching in higher education can be completed during the first two years of employment. Eligibility requires documented ability to teach in English. Assessment criteria: When selecting among eligible applicants, equal weight is given to both scholarly and educational expertise. Scholarly expertise: When assessing scholarly expertise, scholarly quality is the primary consideration. The scope of the research, particularly its depth and breadth, is also prioritised. The ability to plan, initiate, lead and develop research and education at the doctoral level, and demonstrated ability to conduct community outreach are considered important. Documented experience of applying for and receiving competitive research funding and demonstrated ability to cooperate on research is a desirable merit. Teaching expertise: When assessing teaching expertise, primary emphasis is on teaching quality. Teaching expertise is to be well documented. The scope of teaching expertise, both breadth and depth, are also considered. The ability to plan, initiate, lead and develop education and teaching, to supervise and conduct examinations on all levels, and to link teaching to research are given significance. Teaching expertise includes the ability to interact with actors within and outside of Uppsala University relating to teaching in higher education. Documented experience of teaching in Swedish is a merit. Equal care is devoted to assessing teaching expertise as to assessing scholarly expertise. It should be noted that the holder of the senior lectureship will have opportunities to participate in developing and influencing how DH is formulated at Uppsala University. Previous documented experience of multidisciplinary humanities research, teaching, and leading research within the field of digital humanities is therefore a merit. Documented experience of teaching, research and publications within the ALM disciplines, i.e. archival studies, library & information studies and museum & cultural heritage studies, is considered an advantage. Assessment criteria; other skills: Administrative expertise and management expertise are important for the position and are given significant weight. Administrative expertise can be demonstrated through ability to plan, organise and prioritise work effectively, to adapt work for the intended purpose, and to define and maintain time frames. The expertise includes overall organisational planning, the ability to manage resources in a way that reflects the organisation’s priorities and the ability to work in a structured way and with an awareness of goals and quality. Management expertise is demonstrated through the ability to lead organisations and staff, make decisions, take responsibility, and motivate and provide others with the conditions required to effectively achieve mutual goals. The ability to coordinate groups, to encourage commitment, inclusion and job satisfaction, and to manage conflicts are additional examples of demonstrated expertise. The ability to conduct outreach with the community and to share information about research and development will be considered. The ability to provide information about research and development is demonstrated through popular science activities, such as participating in informational activities, publishing popular science texts and participating in public debates on educational and research issues. Documented good collaborative skills are given particular weight. When hiring a new teacher, Uppsala University conducts a qualitative overall assessment of expertise and skills and choses the applicant judged to have the best potential to carry out and develop the relevant duties and to contribute to the positive development of the organisation. The recruitment committee may conduct interviews, evaluate trial lectures and contact references. For this reason, the applicant is to submit a list of references that can provide information on the applicant’s skills and personal characteristics relevant for the position, such as interpersonal skills, management skills, and the work methods the applicant uses. Personal circumstances (e.g. parental leave, part-time work due to care of children, union representative assignments, military service or similar) that can be counted to the applicant’s advantage when assessing qualifications should be included in the presentation of qualifications and experience. Application procedure: The complete application is to be submitted through Uppsala University’s recruitment system and include: • Application letter • Enclosure list • Curriculum vitae • Presentation of scholarly qualifications • Publication list • Presentation of teaching qualifications • Presentation of other qualifications • Scholarly and any teaching experience cited • List of references Please note that the applicant is expected to include up to five publications in the application. These are uploaded in section 11 of the online application form. Note: the application and enclosures are submitted through the Varbi recruitment system. Any cited publications not in electronic format are to be sent in duplicate to the Faculty of Arts, Uppsala University, Box 256, 751 05 Uppsala, Sweden. Mark the envelop or package with “dnr UFV-PA 2020/1512”. For additional information, see Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University, and the Faculty of Arts’ supplemental guidelines (in Swedish) (HISTFILFAK 2015/82). Information about the position is available from the Head of Department Åse Hedemark, [email protected], +46 18-4712598. Your application must be submitted no later than 22 June 2020, UFV-PA 2020/1512. Please do not send offers of recruitment or advertising services. Submit your application through Uppsala University´s recruitment system at https://uu.mynetworkglobal.com/en/what:login/jobID:330406 Placement: Department of ALM Type of employment: Full time , Permanent position Pay: Individuell lönesättning tillämpas Number of positions: 1 Working hours: 100 Town: Uppsala County: Uppsala län Country: Sweden Union representative: Seko Universitetsklubben [email protected] ST/TCO [email protected] Saco-rådet [email protected] Number of reference: UFV-PA 2020/1512 Last application date: 2020-06-22