Dear All,

The local organizers of the University of Potsdam and the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam have decided to move the conference "DHd2022: Cultures of Digital Memory <>" in Potsdam completely online.

The University of Potsdam and the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences are now pleased to serve as virtual hosts for the Digital Humanities community from March 7-11, 2022. Registration via ConfTool <> is still possible and virtual participation is free of charge thanks to generous support.

The scientific programme of the annual DHd-conference is as diverse as the German speaking DH community. We would like to welcome you to be our guest and contribute to the discussion. 

Highlights from the Conference Programme: 

Most contributions to the DHd2022 conference programme are in German, but there also some contributions that are announced in English, for example: 



You can browse the full programme here: 

We hope to welcome many of You in the digital format! Feel free to spread the word in your communities. 

Kind regards,

the local organizers of the DHd2022 in Potsdam, 

Anna Busch, Heike Neuroth, Peer Trilcke, Ulrike Wuttke and Melanie Seltmann