Dear colleagues,


The UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association invites you to register for its 2024 Annual Event. The theme for this year’s event is Inclusivity Across Sectors / Uileghabhálacht Thar Earnálacha, highlighting one of the Association’s Core Values.


One of the dreams of information and communication technologies is that of equitable and open access to information, to services, and to opportunities. We know, however, that this dream is not always reflected in reality - especially in the digital humanities, where the expertise, skills and knowledge of a broad range of sectors, disciplines and organisations inform everything we do. It is necessary to constantly challenge our own claims and understanding of inclusivity. This inevitably involves exploring the situated and intersectional inequities of technological systems, and the cultures and societies that build them. The event will examine inclusive approaches to digital humanities research and practice broadly conceptualised, with an emphasis on intersectional approach to examining barriers to inclusion within different national, organisational, and disciplinary contexts.

We are pleased to announce that our keynote roundtable will be moderated by Aoibhie McCarthy, artistic director at Sample Studios, who will be in conversation with Valerie Byrne (Cork City Council),  Melissa Terras (University of Edinburgh), and Francesca Farmer (Royal Albert Memorial Museum/University of Exeter).


The event will be held in-person at University College Cork, with portions of the event available to view online. The fee for attending the event in-person will be £35. Students, early career researchers and professionals, and independent scholars can attend at a discounted rate of £20. For those unable to attend in person, free online-only tickets are available.


The deadline to register for in-person attendance is 5:00 PM BST on Monday, 20 May 2024.







Michael Donnay (he/him)
| Digital Humanities Research Hub

School of Advanced Study | University of London

Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

[email protected]


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