The University of Wolverhampton is looking for two research assistants (0.5 FTE) in the project Novel Perceptions, replicating the Dutch research done in The Riddle of Literary Quality in the UK . One of the posts will focus on computational linguistics and natural language processing, the other will focus on literary studies. The link to more information can be found here: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CCL552/research-assistant-novel-perceptions-project-computational-linguistics?uuid=d979ccf5-2300-11eb-a3a3-064da8edb92a&campaign=jbe20201110&source=jbe Prof. dr Karina van Dalen-Oskam Head of Department Literary Studies (Huygens ING) Professor in Computational Literary Studies (University of Amsterdam) Honorary professor at the University of Wolverhampton (UK)