TOPICSThe SRIA contribution projects are meant to provide meaningful, so far missing, convincing and compelling input for the Strategic Agenda and Roadmap for achieving full digital language equality in Europe by 2030. The projects should provide defined use cases and feasibility studies for concrete application scenarios in one of the following topics:1. Data sets for more robust speech technology2. Study of language coverage for text mining and natural language understanding in key European industrial sectors3. Legal Assessment (Desk Research)4. General NLP/LT/AI Landscaping (Desk Research)5. General NLP/LT Domains (Desk Research)6. Analysis of AI and LT in European news media7. Computing facilities for LT (Desk Research)8. Demonstrably Greener Models of MT9. Survey of the use of LT in the hospital sector10. Basic LAnguage Resource Kit (BLARK) (re)definition (Desk Research)
Publication of the call: 29 September 2022Submission deadline: 29 November 2022 (23:59 CET)Evaluation and selection of the submitted proposals: December 2022Contract signing and projects start: December 2022 – January 2023Project duration: 2-3 monthsELIGIBLE APPLICANTS* research organisations (including but not limited to higher education organisations and independent research organisations), NGOs, incorporated associations and companies* legally established in EU member states* one organisation per project only (mono-beneficiary projects)FUNDING* €185,000 allocated for the call* maximum amount of eligible costs per single project: €25,000, funding rate: 90%* financial support will be provided in the form of a lump sum after completing all project activitiesHOW TO APPLYApply via the open call submission platform, follow the Call documentation and related annexes on the open call websiteCONTACTopen call management team: