Apologies for cross posting. The CLS INFRA Newsletter May 2023 edition is available! For those interested in resources for computational literary studies and digital humanities infrastructure, take a look at this issue: https://mailchi.mp/030fe751b976/cls-infra-newsletter-summer-17330823 This newsletter includes: * Changes to the CLS INFRA team * Recent Deliverables including: * D8.1: Report on Tools for Basic NLP tasks * D3.2: Survey of Methods and interactive Survey Grid * D7.1: On Programmable Corpora and DraCor * Recent and Upcoming Events * “Digging for Gold”: Training School Madrid, 9-11 May 2023 * DH2023 in Graz * CLS INFRA TNA Fellowships and * New! TNA Fellowship archive including reports, interviews, and more All the best, Dr Sarah Hoover Taighdeoir Iardhochtúireachta | Postdoctoral Researcher Institúid de Móra do Thaighde sna Daonnachtaí agus sa Léann Sóisialta Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social Studies M: +32 483 90 04 88<tel:+32%20483%2090%2004%2088> Twitter: @CLSinfra<https://twitter.com/CLSinfra> Mastodon:: @[email protected]<https://fedihum.org/@CLSinfra> Website: clsinfra.io<https://clsinfra.io/> [University of Galway]<https://www.universityofgalway.ie/> [UniversityofGalway.ie]<https://www.universityofgalway.ie/> University of Galway is a registered charity RCN 20002107 [EU Flag] CLS INFRA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS: Forthcoming: Monograph, Reflective affective dramaturgies of participatory theatre: larping audiences into performance. Palgrave MacMillan, Dec 2023. Chapter editor and contributor: ‘Performance Studies and Role-Playing Games’. Role-Playing Game Studies: Transmedia Foundations, edited by José Pablo Zagal and Sebastian Deterding, Routledge, 2018, pp. 213–26. In process of revision and republication 2023. ‘Think Outside my Box: Imagery and Narratives of Women’s Bodies in Repeal the 8th Campaigns’, co-authorship with Miriam Haughton and Ciara L. Murphy. Feminist Encounters. March 2022.