Call for Nominations: ADHO Roberto Busa Prize The Roberto Busa Prize is an award of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations (ADHO). It is named in honour of Father Roberto Busa, the first pioneer of humanities computing, who in 1949 began experiments in linguistic automation, with the support of the IBM offices in New York and Milan, as part of his analytical research on the writings of Thomas Aquinas. The computational work was central to the thirty years of research whose published output was the 56-volume Index Thomisticus, completed in 1980. The Busa award is given to recognise outstanding lifetime achievements in the application of information and communications technologies to humanities research. The award is given every three years, alternating with other ADHO awards, such as the Zampolli award. The first award was given to Father Busa himself in 1998. Subsequent winners have been John Burrows (2001) Susan Hockey (2004) Wilhelm Ott (2007) Joe Raben (2010) Willard McCarty (2013) and Helen Agüera (2016). Call for Nominations: ADHO Roberto Busa Prize – Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations <https://adho.org/2023/08/15/call-for-nominations-adho-roberto-busa-prize/> adho.org <https://adho.org/2023/08/15/call-for-nominations-adho-roberto-busa-prize/> [image: cropped-adho-logo-square_512_01-180x180.png] <https://adho.org/2023/08/15/call-for-nominations-adho-roberto-busa-prize/> <https://adho.org/2023/08/15/call-for-nominations-adho-roberto-busa-prize/> -- Professor Fabio Ciotti Dept. "Studi letterari, filosofici e di storia dell’arte" University of Roma "Tor Vergata" Chair, European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) Editor-in-Chief, "Umanistica Digitale" https://umanisticadigitale.unibo.it/ @Fabio_Ciotti @[email protected] [email protected] -- Professor Fabio Ciotti Dept. "Studi letterari, filosofici e di storia dell’arte" University of Roma "Tor Vergata" Chair, European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) Editor-in-Chief, "Umanistica Digitale" https://umanisticadigitale.unibo.it/ @Fabio_Ciotti @[email protected] [email protected]