
I'm delighted to let you in on an exciting opportunity. Within the framework of the ERC Stage project, we are actively seeking a skilled Digital Humanities Research Engineer to become a valued part of our team at Rennes 2 University. This role spans a 5-year period, commencing in January 2024.

For all the ins and outs of this position, you can find the official job posting right here: https://www.euraxess.fr/jobs/154588 . The application deadline is November 3rd.

We've attached the job descriptions below for your convenience.

We kindly invite you to help us spread the word within your networks.

Your assistance in making this opportunity known far and wide is truly appreciated.

Thank you!

Clarisse Bardiot

Clarisse Bardiot 
Professeur des universités en études théâtrales 
Département des Arts du spectacle 
Université Rennes 2 

Site web http://www.clarissebardiot.info/ 
Dernière publication Arts de la scène et humanités numériques. Des traces aux données
/ Performing Arts and Digital Humanities. From Traces to Data. 
2021. Wiley / Iste.

Data Engineer

Organisation/Company: Université Rennes II Department: Arts: practices and poetics Research Field: Arts » Performing arts ; Computer science » Database management Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1) Country: France Application Deadline: 3 Nov 2023 - 23:59 (Europe/Brussels) Type of Contract: Temporary Job Status: Full-time Hours Per Week: 36,18 Offer Starting Date: 2 Jan 2024 Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? : HE / ERC Reference Number: 101097091 Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No

Offer Description

University Rennes 2 is the host institution of the ERC project "STAGE: From Stage to Data, the Digital Turn of Contemporary Performing Arts Historiography", winner of the ERC advanced 2022 call. STAGE proposes an innovative theoretical and methodological framework merging culture analytics, actor-network theory, data modeling, and computer vision to challenge conventional approaches to the paradigm shift of digital traces in performing arts studies. At the intersection of history, epistemology, and digital humanities, STAGE’s key goal is to move performing arts studies into a digital context to establish a new historiography of mise en scène and creative processes in Europe since WWII.

Reporting to the ERC STAGE project manager, Ms Clarisse Bardiot, professor in performing art studies, the data engineer will be responsible for implementing the project's Data Management Plan (DMP), collecting data and making it available (in line with FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles), as part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers, engineers and developers. He/she will work closely with libraries, archives and performing arts companies.


  1. data collection
  1. data processing
  1. security and confidentiality
  1. documentation


  1. communication
  1. Collaboration


Research Field : Computer science » Database management Education Level : Master Degree or equivalent


Technical and professional skills

Other knowledge: digital archive editing, data visualization, natural language processing, programming language (Python), bibliographic and archival description, documentary indexing, knowledge of OCR and HTR software.

Specific Requirements

We are looking for a person with higher education (Engineer, Master, or equivalent), in computer science, library science, or digital humanities. Previous knowledge of theater studies, or art history, Linked Open Data.

Languages : ENGLISH Level Excellent ; FRENCH Level Excellent

Additional Information


Fixed-term contract (CDD) for 1 year, renewable for a further 4 years

Remuneration: according to the Research Engineer grid and experience

Selection process

Applications (detailed CV, cover letter (in French and/or English), copy of documents certifying the required level of study, names and email addresses of two referees) must be sent by November 3, 2023 at the latest, in PDF format.

Successful candidates will be informed by email by November 10, 2023 at the latest, and invited to take part in interviews in Rennes (or remotely) in mid-November 2023.

Additional comments

For further information, please contact Clarisse Bardiot ([email protected])

Website for additional job details https://recrutement.univ-rennes2.fr/poste/6nbfkbxroo-ingenieur-detudes-en-human…

Work Location(s): Rennes, France : Where to apply : Website https://recrutement.univ-rennes2.fr/poste/6nbfkbxroo-ingenieur-detudes-en-human… Website: http://www.univ-rennes2.fr/ E-Mail: [email protected], [email protected]