Dear Colleagues [Apologies for cross posting] Please circulate and make students/interested persons aware. Starting 1st of July 2023, a Ph.D. position is available within project CHANGE at the DH@University of Bern. CHANGE stands for Chatbots in Higher Education – KI-basierte Dialogsysteme in der Hochschullehre. In the CHANGE project, the University Education Services (Hochschuldidaktik & Lehrentwicklung), the Data Science Lab, and the Digital Humanities are collaborating to investigate the successful integration of AI-based dialogue systems into university teaching. The project has two main areas: First, the development of higher education didactic concepts, models, and methods to support integrating digital dialogue systems into higher education teaching. Second, the development of digital dialog systems for university teaching. The innovations will be tested in the university's ongoing teaching operations and further developed using design-based research methods. The Ph.D. position is part of the second sub-project. We seek a dedicated researcher with a background in Computational Linguistics or Digital/Computational Humanities with experience in machine learning. You will become part of our international and interdisciplinary research group in the capital of Switzerland. The position is fully funded for 4 years. Apply before the 15th of May. More information about the job can be found here: https://ohws.prospective.ch/public/v1/jobs/a7c6982a-72e6-49d4-8605-bffb0915f... For more information about the project, visit https://www.hd.unibe.ch/forschung/change/index_ger.html Feel free to reach out in case of questions or uncertainties. Best wishes, Tobias ********************************** Prof. Dr. Tobias Hodel Universität Bern Digital Humanities Walter Benjamin Kolleg Mittelstrasse 43 3012 Bern dh.unibe.ch Neu: [email protected]<https://mailto:[email protected]> Tel. +41 79 804 00 23