Dear All,
Please share widely:
Ukrainian Researchers who enter Poland due to the war or plan to arrive in the coming days can seek help with the Academy of Young Scientists of the Polish Academy of Sciences which assists with finding accommodation and jobs. Contact here 👉 [ mailto:[email protected] | [email protected] ] or via Facebook ( [ https://m.facebook.com/AkademiaMlodychUczonych/posts/4633761276751375 | https://m.facebook.com/AkademiaMlodychUczonych/posts/4633761276751375 ] ) In your message to please provide: name and surname, number of family members, your discipline and University, contact number, city/university where you are heading (if known) All the best M
dr Maciej Maryl
Kierownik Centrum Humanistyki Cyfrowej Instytutu Badań Literackich PAN Director of the Digital Humanities Centre at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Nowy Åšwiat 72, 00-330 Warszawa [ http://maryl.org/ | maryl.org ] | ORCID 0000-0002-2639-041X | NEP4DISSENT | SHAPE-ID
On Sat, 26 Feb 2022, 14:15 Christof Schöch, < [ mailto:[email protected] | [email protected] ] > wrote:
Dear all,
many thanks to all for your input to our statement. I have tried to take all suggestions into account and hope to have found a good compromise. The statement is now online: [ https://www.distant-reading.net/ukraine/ | https://www.distant-reading.net/ukraine/ ]
There is no need, I believe, that we sign the statment individually, as we appear to have consensus that we want to publish this as a joint statement of our two European-level projects.
Let's spread our message via Twitter as well. I hope the cumulated effect of all these statements could in the end have some weight, both in terms of a universal condemnation of Russia's act of aggression and as moral support for the people in Ukraine.
But let's not forget that Ukraine also needs very concrete support so please consider donating to an organization of your choice.
Best wishes, Christof
On 25.02.22 16:34, Christof Schöch wrote:
Dear all,
many thanks for your many statements of support and for your important perspectives on the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. It is really good to see so much solidarity in our group.
I'm very much in favor of putting up a statement quickly on our website. And I thank Maciej for the lead on this with NEP4DISSENT.
You are all welcome to check and edit the draft statement you can find here: [ https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/edit/FovGZqAMyStx-ekMjkGGJn-0/embed/ | https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/edit/FovGZqAMyStx-ekMjkGGJn-0/embed/ ]
The current text is a combination of our message with Maciej's statement. Feel free to modify it but let's keep in mind to keep it short, keep it simple, keep it clear.
Also, do let me know if you have trouble accessing the document; it should be available without login. And: our circle is already wide, so please don't share this link beyond our group.
The goal would be to put this out tomorrow by noontime.
Best wishes, Christof
On 24.02.22 19:59, Christof Schöch wrote:
Dear friends and colleagues,
We are probably all following the news regarding the situation in Ukraine, not far from Krákow, Iasi, Vienna, or Budapest, where many of us live and work.
It is heartbreaking to see something like this can happen today, when we have been working together closely and productively for many years with colleagues across Europe in the widest sense, including in Urkaine and Russia, whether in the COST Action, in CLS INFRA or in other contexts.
Science doesn't know nationalities or borders. We are all united by science. And science, like people, needs peace, freedom and autonomy to thrive.
If you have ideas about what we could do, as pan-European projects, or if you know statements from the European level we could amplify, please let us know.
Our thoughts are with the people in Ukraine and our hopes are for a peaceful Europe. Christof, Carolin and Maciej
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Administratorem Pani/Pana danych osobowych jest Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk, ul. Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warszawa, [ http://ibl.waw.pl/pl/polityka-prywatnosci | ibl.waw.pl/pl/polityka-prywatnosci ] _______________________________________________ wg1 mailing list [email protected] http://lists.distant-reading.net/mailman/listinfo/wg1