**With apologies for cross-posting**

It’s with great pride that we announce that the treebank annotation of the Summa contra Gentiles of Thomas Aquinas is now complete! The result of almost ten years’ worth of manual work, the Summa contra Gentiles brings the total number of annotated nodes in the Index Thomisticus Treebank to 460,000, corresponding to over 26,000 sentences.

The ConLL and PML files are available for download from the Index Thomisticus Treebank website here: https://itreebank.marginalia.it/view/download.php

For the full announcement, see: https://lila-erc.eu/summa-contra-gentiles-treebank-now-complete/

Dr Greta H. Franzini
BA (Hons), MA, CELTA, Ph.D
Postdoctoral Researcher
LiLa: Linking Latin [ERC n. 769994]: https://lila-erc.eu
+39 02 72342954 | greta.franzini@unicatt.it | http://gretafranzini.com/ 
Institutional page: http://docenti.unicatt.it/eng/greta_franzini/

CIRCSE Research Centre
Facoltà di Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere
Franciscanum Building, 2nd Floor, room 209
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Largo Gemelli 1,
20123 Milan, Italy