Dear Colleagues,

I apologize for cross-posting, but I wanted to inform you about a job opportunity within the ERC project "STAGE: From Stage to Data, the Digital Turn of Contemporary Performing Arts Historiography". We are currently hiring a Data Scientist, a crucial role in our team that focuses on critically modeling data and developing prototypical software solutions.

Please share this information with potential candidates and consider applying. The position is a minimum 3-year commitment. You can find more details and apply through the following link:

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Best wishes,

Clarisse Bardiot

Clarisse Bardiot 
Professeur des universités en études théâtrales 
Département des Arts du spectacle 
Université Rennes 2 

Site web 
Dernière publication Arts de la scène et humanités numériques. Des traces aux données
/ Performing Arts and Digital Humanities. From Traces to Data. 
2021. Wiley / Iste.