Call for Participation: HHAI2024 – The third International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence
June 10-14, 2024, Malmö, Sweden

Call for Papers & Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals

In this message, we shortened each call to their essentials – the full text of each call is available on the website: 

Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence (HHAI) is an international conference series that focuses on the study of Artificial Intelligence systems that cooperate synergistically, proactively and purposefully with humans, amplifying instead of replacing human intelligence. HHAI aims for AI systems that work together with humans, emphasizing the need for adaptive, collaborative, responsible, interactive and human-centered intelligent systems. HHAI systems leverage human strengths and compensate for human weaknesses, while taking into account social, ethical and legal considerations.

The HHAI field is driven by developments in AI, but it also requires fundamentally new approaches and solutions. Thus, we encourage collaborations across research domains such as AI, HCI, cognitive and social sciences, philosophy & ethics, complex systems, and others. In this third international conference, we invite scholars from these fields to submit their best original – new as well as in progress – works, and visionary ideas on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence.

Call for Papers (Main track)

Important dates
- Abstract submission: January 26, 2024
- Paper submission: February 2, 2024
- Acceptance notification: March 29, 2024
- Camera-ready version: April 12, 2024

We invite research on different challenges in Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence. The following list of topics is illustrative, not exhaustive:

- Human-AI interaction and collaboration
- Adaptive human-AI co-learning and co-creation
- Learning, reasoning and planning with humans and machines in the loop
- User modeling and personalisation
- Integration of learning and reasoning
- Transparent, explainable, and accountable AI
- Fair, ethical, responsible, and trustworthy AI
- Societal awareness of AI
- Multimodal machine perception of real world settings
- Social signal processing
- Representations learning for Communicative or Collaborative AI
- Symbolic and narrative-based representations for human-centric AI
- Role of Design and Compositionality of AI systems in Interpretable / Collaborative AI

We welcome contributions about all types of technology, from robots and conversational agents to multi-agent systems and machine learning models.

Paper types
In this conference, we wish to stimulate the exchange of novel ideas and interdisciplinary perspectives. To do this, we will accept three different types of papers:

- Full papers present original, impactful work (12 pages excl. references)
- Blue sky papers present visionary ideas to stimulate the research community (8 pages excl. references)
- Working papers present work in progress (8 pages excl.references)

Accepted full papers and Blue sky papers will be published in the Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Hybrid Human-Machine Intelligence, in the Frontiers of AI series by IOS Press. Working papers can be included in these proceedings, unless the authors request the paper to remain unpublished.

Work should be submitted in PDF format via Easychair:

Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals

We invite proposals for two-day, full-day and half-day workshops at HHAI 2024. We also invite tutorials to run alongside the workshops.

The workshops and tutorials will form part of the first edition of the HHAI Summer School.

The HHAI 2024 workshops and tutorials provide a platform for discussing a topic related to Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence with an audience specifically interested in that topic in an informal setting (compared to the main conference).

We invite submissions for events that foster cross-disciplinary interaction, scientific discourse, and creative and critical reflection, rather than just being mini-conferences. We offer organizers flexibility on formats that best suit the goals of their event. We also welcome submissions from research communities that may not be prominently featured in AI events and conferences.

Important Dates
- Workshop and tutorial proposals: January 31, 2024
- Proposal acceptance notification: February 7, 2024
- Deadline for announcing the Call for Contributions to the workshops: February 14, 2024
- Recommended deadline for submissions to the workshops: April 10, 2024
- Recommended deadline for notifications on the submissions: May 2, 2024
- Workshops and tutorials at HHAI2024: June 10-11, 2024

Proposals should be submitted via Easychair:

HHAI 2024 will be an in-person, single-track conference, held in Malmö, Sweden on June 10-14, 2024. More information on the venue as well as travel information can be found on the website:

Contact information
Conference chairs: Frank Dignum (Umeå University, SE), Fabian Lorig (Malmö University, SE), Jason Tucker (Malmö University, SE), and Adam Dahlgren Lindström (Umeå University, SE).

Program chairs: Pradeep Murukannaiah (TU Delft, NL), Andreas Theodorou (Umeå University, SE), Pinar Yolum (Utrecht University, NL).

Workshop chairs: Petter Ericson (Umeå University, SE), Nina Khairova (Umeå University, SE), Marina de Vos (University of Bath, UK)

For questions, you can reach the program chairs at and the workshop chairs at

Kind regards,
Julian Rasch & Jesse Grootjen
Publicity and Social Media Chairs HHAI 2024