Dear friends and colleagues, HHAI-2022 (https://www.hhai-conference.org) workshops provide a platform for discussing Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence in more informal settings and for a broad audience. We accepted eight workshops to be part of HHAI 2022 before the main conference. More details about the individual workshops can be found on the conference website (https://www.hhai-conference.org/workshops/) as well as on their own websites. We welcome contributions to our workshops that are detailed below: Monday 13th June: - Workshop on the representation, sharing and evaluation of multimodal agent interaction (https://cltl.github.io/mmai2022/) - Heterodox Methods for Interpretable and Efficient Artificial Intelligence (https://hmieai2022.cs.umu.se/) - Imagining the AI Landscape after the AI Act (http://iail2022.isti.cnr.it/) - Common Ground Theory and Method Development Workshop: Exploring, Understanding, and Enhancing Human-Centricity in Hybrid Work Settings (https://www.iaw.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/hhai-workshop-submission/) Tuesday 14th June: - Knowledge Representation for Hybrid-Intelligence (https://sites.google.com/view/kr4hi/home) - HI ESDiT Collaboration on AI, Human Values and the Law - Rethinking values Conflicts in Smart Systems (https://value-conflict.notion.site/value-conflict/Rethinking-value-conflicts...) - Human-Centered Design of Symbiotic Hybrid Intelligence (https://ii.tudelft.nl/humancenteredsymbioticHI/) Join us in the HHAI community and send your contribution to one of these workshops – see further guidelines, timeline and information via <ADD LINK TO WORKSHOP WEBSITE>. We also appreciate if you forward this call to colleagues you deem interested to contribute to this program. Thanks and let us know if you have any questions.