Brilliant choices by brilliant organizers!

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From: Eadh-topics <[email protected]> on behalf of Scholger, Walter ([email protected]) <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 11:36:25 AM
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Subject: [Eadh-topics] Keynote speakers of the DH2023 conference!

Dear colleagues,


we are excited to present the fabulous keynote speakers for the ADHO Digital Humanities 2023 conference in Graz (


Our Opening Keynote speaker on July 11 will be Sarah Kenderdine on “Two-Fold Revolutions: Computational Museology in the Age of Experience”.



Our Closing Keynote on July 14 will be Claire Fernandez on “Contesting power in the digital age: the role of civil society in Europe”.



Also, registration for workshops at the DH2023 is now open through Conftool at:

If you are already registered, you can edit your registration details to include workshops (which are free).


Hoping to see many of you in Graz in July,




Walter Scholger

Institutsmanager | Department Manager

Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung | Centre for Information Modeling

Universität Graz | University of Graz