Dear Colleagues,
Digital Humanities Research Hub at the School of Advanced Study, University of London is excited to invite you to the first two sessions of our virtual seminar series on
Representations of Artificial Intelligence: "On hallucinations, spark(l)ing intelligence and the apocalypse".
In the seminar, we scrutinize representations of "intelligent machines", and discuss how memes, literature, gender stereotypes, and colonial histories shape AI and the role it plays in today's
society. Conceived as a series of conversations, the seminar brings together experts from across the arts, humanities, and computational sciences to reflect on the social and cultural influences shaping the development of AI technologies. All are welcome!
AI, Science Fiction and Imagined Technological Futures
Wednesday 22 November 2023
12:30-14:00 GMT
In this session, we discuss how science fiction, (especially the dys- or utopian portrayal of technological futures) percolates in current discussions of AI.
Panelists include:
AI Branding, Memes & Narratives
Thursday 7th December 2023
12:00 – 13:30 GMT
In this session, we discuss the representation of AI from the angle of communication and design. We have a closer look at the images, narratives memes and metaphors used to portray AI, and aim
understand their wider political and ideological implications.
Panelists include:
If you have any questions about the series, please email the facilitators Michael Donnay and Kaspar Beelen at
[email protected].
You can find the rest of our seminar programme and register at the
DH Research Hub website.
Best wishes (and apologies for cross posting),
Kaspar and Michael
Michael Donnay (he/him)
Manager | Digital Humanities Research Hub
School of Advanced Study
| University of London
Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
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