Dear All, Please help us spread the word to anyone who might be interested!
The Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities (
BSSDH2023) with a special focus on discourse analysis and digital literary studies is open for registration!
When: 25 July - 28 July 2023
Where: Riga, National Library of Latvia and Online
Duration: 4 days
Credits: 3 ECTS
Fee: 30 EUR*
REGISTRATION FEE* 30 EUR includes: Full access to all lectures and workshops, onsite or online. Food and drinks during lunch and coffee breaks for onsite students. Access is free of charge for assistants of workshops and other volunteers. Contact to apply for volunteering!
The main target audience – students and humanities researchers with little or no previous programming skills.
Topics covered:
+ Data visualization with Tableau and Gephi;
+ Web scraping for humanities research with Scrapy and Beautiful Soup;
+ Introduction to Programming with Python for humanities researchers;
+ some beautiful keynote lectures on hot DH topics.
All best wishes,
Sanita Reinsone
LU Literatūras, folkloras un mākslas institūts
Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art (University of Latvia)