The USC Mellon
Humanities in a Digital World Program and the
Ahmanson Lab of the Sidney Harman Academy for Polymathic Study in the USC Libraries invite applications for the second annual Immersive Technologies and Cultural Heritage (ITCH) Symposium. The symposium
will take place on Friday, September 20, and Saturday, September 21, at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
We seek innovative projects rooted in the humanities or humanistic social sciences that rely on immersive technologies (including but not limited to augmented reality,
mixed reality, virtual reality, photogrammetry or 3D modeling) to enable close engagement with cultural heritage materials, or open new possibilities for research, teaching, and learning. We particularly seek projects that realize the benefits of working at
the intersection of digital technologies and the liberal arts.
Participants will:
Workshop discussions will foreground interdisciplinary elements and user experience in project development.
The Humanities in a Digital World Program at USC will provide round-trip domestic economy airfare, 3 nights lodging at a hotel near USC in downtown Los Angeles, and
up to $200 in reimbursement for ground travel to and from the airport.
To apply, send a single PDF document containing your name, title, affiliation; project or presentation title; 300-word abstract; and any relevant URLs to [email protected] by July
1, 2024.