*Conference: "Artificial Intelligence in Archives and Collections: Practices, Potentials, and Evidence Production in Dealing with Images and Multimodal Cultural Heritage” 12-13 December 2024. Hybrid: Marburg/Germany and Online.* The Research Lab 1.3. ‘Digital Heuristics and Digital History’ of the Leibniz Research Alliance ‘Value of the Past’ in cooperation with NFDI4Memory, Task Area Data Quality is organising a conference in Marburg on artificial intelligence in heritage institutions, such as archives and collections, and how these new technologies are transforming archival institutional practices. Topics will primarily focus on – but will not be limited to – visual sources, such as photography and graphic collections or those with mixed image-text sources and multimodal information processing. The conference that presents speakers from Austria, China, France, Germany, USA, UK, Switzerland and Sweden will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from the humanities, archives and collections to connect with researchers and engineers in the fields of artificial intelligence, computer science and the digital humanities, to discuss new findings, and to exchange experiences. The event seeks to promote an interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral dialogue between research, development and practice. The organisers cordially invite interested parties to take part in the conference. *Programme, Registration and further Information:* https://www.herder-institut.de/event/conference-artificial-intelligence-in-a... https://eveeno.com/441936742 Contact: [email protected]