Hello ~
The ability to read, understand, and communicate data as information is fast becoming essential for education and employment. Through July 31, you are invited to get a jump start on your skills—or advance them to a new level—for free with
Constellate, a service from not-for-profit ITHAKA that provides all the tools for proficiency in data analysis and digital literacy.
This summer, you may build a dataset, visualize a dataset (did you know that “mother” occurs considerably more frequently than “father” in scholarly literature about the foster care system?), and even work in the Constellate Lab using our
Jupyter Notebooks or your own (a feature usually only available to individuals at participating institutions.)
To launch you on your explorations of text analysis and Constellate, we are offering six hour-long webinars every Tuesday at noon EDT:
You may even take in our four-session “Introduction to Python” course by working in the Constellate Lab
alongside a recording of the class.
Take advantage of this summer to introduce yourself to text analysis for free and consider how to bring these skills to your campus, help researchers, and collaborate with faculty. Constellate offers everything you need to learn, perform,
and teach text analytics: a defined curriculum, robust tutorials, and live classes taught by experts, all tailored to your level of ability. If you enjoy the introduction, speak with your library about doing a robust evaluation of Constellate this fall.
I look forward to working with you this summer!
~ Amy
Amy J. Kirchhoff (she/her)
Constellate Text Analytics Business Manager / Portico, JSTOR
Twitter: @AmyPlusFour
Let us know if you do research or run a workshop!