Dear list members, 

Declared obsolete but still omnipresent, paper has for centuries been the information carrier par excellence. At a time when the digital transition is reminding us of the importance of the materiality of knowledge, this new volume in the Living Book about History series looks at the «Material Histories of Paper».

Edited by Juliette De MaeyerAleksandra Kaminska and Ghislain Thibault (Université de Montréal), «Material Histories of Paper» is a digital anthology that offers an original historiographical essay and a commented selection of 40 freely accessible online resources. The book is available in English and French on the Living Books about History website.

Best regards, 
Enrico Natale
Gutenbergstrasse 37 
3011 Bern
Tel: +41 31 311 75 72

Colloque 2024: Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Une mémoire en mutation
Berne, 22 nov. 2024
Programme / Inscription 2024: Zweiter Weltkrieg. Erinnerung im Wandel
Bern, 22. Nov. 2024
Programm / Anmeldung