Hello If you have yet to register, this is a gentle reminder that the Reimagining Annotation for Multimodal Cultural Heritage Conference registration is extended until January 26. Best regards Clarisse Bardiot
Le 19 déc. 2023 à 12:15, clarisse bardiot <[email protected]> a écrit :
Please find below the program for the international conference Reimagining Annotation for Multimodal Cultural Heritage, which I am co-organising with Jacob Hart. The conference will take place from 7 to 9 February at the University of Rennes (France).
The majority of participants will be in person. For logistical reasons, please register online before January 19 (limited number of places available in person): https://reimagining-amch.sciencesconf.org/ . It will also be possible to follow the conference on zoom.
The conference will be preceded by two workshops at the MSHB on SCENE (the new version of MemoRekall based on IIIF) and on the Distant Viewing Toolkit developed by Lauren Tilton and Taylor Arnold.
The event will also mark the launch of the ERC STAGE project.
With kind regards
Clarisse Bardiot
///// Clarisse Bardiot Professeur des universités en études théâtrales Département des Arts du spectacle Université Rennes 2
Site web http://www.clarissebardiot.info/ <http://www.clarissebardiot.info/> Dernière publication Arts de la scène et humanités numériques. Des traces aux données <https://www.istegroup.com/fr/produit/arts-de-la-scene-et-humanites-numeriques> / Performing Arts and Digital Humanities. From Traces to Data. <https://www.istegroup.com/fr/produit/arts-de-la-scene-et-humanites-numeriques> 2021. Wiley / Iste.
Wednesday 7th February 2024
12:30 Welcome
13:00 - 14:30 Workshop: SCENE Clarisse Bardiot, Jacob Hart, Université Rennes 2 (France)
15:00 - 16:30 Workshop: Distant Viewing Toolkit Lauren Tilton, Taylor Arnold, University of Richmond (USA)
17:00 - 18:30 Opening Keynote: Software for Dancers, Scott deLahunta, Coventry University (UK)
Thursday 8th February 2024
09:00 Welcome
09:30 - 11:00 Audiovisual Documents Analytics
Advene, a Look Back on 20 Years of Video Annotation Instrumentation, Olivier Aubert, Nantes Université (France)
Deep Screens and Evocative Surfaces: New Research from The Media Ecology Project and the DEV Lab at Dartmouth, Mark J. Williams, Dartmouth College (USA)
Machine Intelligence for Motion Exegesis (MIME): Applying Pose Estimation and Related Technologies to Analyze Archival Performance Recordings, Michael Rau and Peter Broadwell, Stanford University (USA)
11:30 - 13:00 The Temporal Dimensions of Distant Viewing
Crossing Borders Archives. The Circulation of Stock Shots in Audiovisual Media, Matteo Treleani, Université Côte d'Azur (France)
The Structures of Visual Exchanges, Nicola Carboni, Université de Genève (Switzerland)
Using Multidimensional Vector Embeddings to Study Temporal Dimensions of Historical Newsreel Data, Mila Oiva, Tallinn University (Estonia)
14:00 - 15:30 Short Papers
AVAnnotate: Creating Scholarly Editions and Exhibits with IIIF and AV Archives, Tanya Clément, the University of Texas at Austin (USA)
Bipartite Frame Networks in the Analysis of Film: a Case Study Utilizing Commercial Computer Vision APIS, Nabeel Siddiqui, Susquehanna University (USA)
Visualizing Rhythms Through Digital Annotations : Challenges and Issues in the Performing Arts, Théo Heugebaert, Université Rennes 2 (France)
The Linked Editing Academic Framework (LEAF) in the Multimodal Annotation Ecosystem, Diane Jakacki, Bucknell University (USA), Susan Brown, University of Guelph (Canada), Michael Ilovan, University of Alberta (Canada) and Luciano Frizzera, Concordia University (Canada)
16:00 - 17:30 IIIF, from Images to Multimodal Corpora Annotations
Overview of the IIIF Initiative for Interoperability of Digital Objects on the Web (Image, Audio/Video, 3D), Régis Robineau, Biblissima +, Campus Condorcet (France)
From Source Annotation to Scientific Publishing: the PENSE and PerVisum Projects, Jean-Christophe Carius, Juliette Hueber, Chloé Pochon and Bulle Tuil Leonetti, INHA (France)
IIIF, a Standard for Multimodal Corpora? The Building of SCENE, Clarisse Bardiot and Jacob Hart, Université Rennes 2 (France)
18:00 - 19:00 Keynote: A Multimodal Turn?: Navigating AI Developments in Digital Humanities. Melvin Wevers, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Friday 9th February 2024
09:00 Welcome
09:30 - 11:00 Annotations for Contextualization and Narratives
3D Annotations as Multimodal Storytelling, Øyvind Elde, Kai Michael Niebes, Nadjim Noori, Vyshantha Simha and Elisabeth Reuhl, University of Cologne (Germany)
Coding the Encoder: Situating Subjective and Contextual Aspects in High-Level Image Annotations, Delfina Sol Martinez Pandiana, Università di Bologna (Italy)
VR & AR Prototypes for Multi-sensory and Haptic Forms of Documentation and Archiving of Digital Art (LeFo Project), Marie-Claude Poulin, University of Applied Arts Vienna (Austria)
11:30 - 13:00 Performing Arts Documentation and Analysis
Multimodal Video Annotations as Metadata for Performing Arts Documentation, Carla Fernandes, NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal)
Do We Truly Need Another Annotation Tool? Motion Bank’s Software Development as Integral Part of a Digital Approach to Dance Documentation and Research, David Ritterhaus, Hochschule Mainz: University of Applied Sciences. (Germany)
Curating Born-Digital Archives at the National Library of France: the Amos Gitai collection’s Case Study, Rime Touil, Bibliothèque nationale de France (France)
14:00 - 15:30 Designing Tools and Workflows by and for Researchers
Two Historians' Relationship with Sources in the Digital Age, Luca Federico Cerra and Sean Takats, Université du Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
AI Toolkits for the Social Sciences and Humanities: A Closer Look at ModOAP, BaOIA, EyCon, and PictorIA, Julien Schuh, Université Paris Nanterre (France)
The Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship (LINCS): Bridging the Research/Heritage Collection Gap, Susan Brown and Kim Martin, University of Guelph (Canada)
16:00 - 17:30 Perspectives (round table)
Chair: Michael Sinatra, Université de Montréal (Canada)
Nicolas Larousse, Huma-Num (France)
Philippe Effantin, Ouest-Valorisation (France)
Arthur Lezer, Le Lab, INA (France)
Clarisse Bardiot, Université Rennes 2 (France)
Susan Brown, University of Guelph (Canada)